Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about the SkinDot surgical procedure. If you miss a question, please feel free to email it to us.

Our Mission: Skin Transplantation 2.0 Globally unique, adequate skin replacement through the new SkinDot full-thickness skin transplantation method


FAQ about SkinDot

1.) How does SkinDot work?

With SkinDot, small round skin islands in the size of 1-3 mm are removed from a healthy skin gland. The skin entheses heal almost invisibly within a few days. The removed skin islands are individually transplanted into the wound by the surgeon using a matrix at a distance of 1 – 2 mm. In the wound, the skin islands grow together and form a new skin.

2.) Are there no scars with SkinDot?

With every surgical procedure there are scars. To promise complete freedom from scars would be negligent and unfair. However, the scarring compared to comparable skin transplants is much smaller. In addition, with the SkinDot procedure, for the first time, full-thickness skin (full-layer skin) can be transplanted over a large area. SkinDot skin is particularly characterized by a thickness, elasticity and resilience comparable to healthy skin.

3.) Which doctor performs SkinDot?

It takes a while for a new therapy procedure to become established. SkinDot treatment is currently only offered in Berlin and Hamburg, new treatment centers are being planned. Please contact us in case of a specific treatment request.

4.) My doctor does not know SkinDot, what can I do?

SkinDot is a very new and innovative procedure that so far is known only to very specialized wound healing specialists and experts in burn medicine. You are welcome to bring SkinDot to the attention of your physician. Your attending physician can also contact us at any time.

5.) What costs SkinDot

Unfortunately, SkinDot is not yet a health insurance benefit and is therefore a self-pay service. The cost of the surgical procedure depends on the wound area, the size of the wound and the patient’s pre-existing conditions. The costs for SkinDot can therefore not be generalized and are individually very different. We will be happy to provide you with a specific treatment plan upon your request.

6.) Will SkinDot pay for my health insurance?

SkinDot is an innovative procedure for skin grafting in deep acute defect wounds, chronic wounds, burn wounds and for scar correction. Unfortunately, SkinDot is not yet a statutory health insurance benefit and is therefore a self-pay service. Please make your statutory health insurance aware of the new medical treatment concept SkinDot. If you are privately insured, please apply to your private health insurance company for a transfer of costs for the SkinDot procedure.

7.) How long does the SkinDot surgery or procedure take?

The duration of the surgical procedure depends on the size, type and location of the wound. For a palm-sized wound, approximately 2-3 hours of surgical time is required. We are currently working intensively to accelerate the SkinDot procedure.

8.) Is SkinDot also offered on an outpatient basis?

Whether an inpatient stay is necessary as part of SkinDot surgery, or the procedure can be provided on an outpatient basis, depends on the wound area, wound size, and your pre-existing conditions. If SkinDot is possible on an outpatient basis, the SkinDot procedure will be performed on an outpatient basis.

9.) How long has SkinDot been around?

SkinDot is a new skin transplantation procedure that has been developed since 2011 at the University of Lübeck in collaboration with Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin. After extensive animal testing, the SkinDot procedure has been used on patients since 2018. The efficacy and safety of the SkinDot surgical procedure was tested in a clinical trial approved by the Ethics Committee.

10.) Is SkinDot also available abroad?

SkinDot surgeries are only offered in Germany so far. This means you have to come to Germany for SkinDot surgery. European and international partner clinics are currently being established. Please make your doctor or hospital aware of the SkinDot procedure.

Info about SkinDot – short and concise

Burn Wounds

SkinDot was originally developed for optimal care of third-degree burn wounds. SkinDot is a university spin-off from the University of Lübeck in cooperation with the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin. SkinDot is used to transplant full-thickness skin islands of 1-3 mm in size onto the wound in the event of complete skin loss from a healthy part of the body. The transplanted full-thickness skin islands grow together to form a stable, resilient nand scar-free skin substitute. SkinDot is particularly suitable for deep wounds on the face, neck, décolleté, over joint surfaces, and on the hands and feet.

Deep, acute skin wounds

SkinDot represents a new, innovative therapeutic option for acute wounds with complete skin loss. Examples of acute, deep wounds include decollement injuries, skin loss after fasciotomy or tumor excision, and skin loss in complicated fractures. The SkinDot procedure makes it possible for the first time to transplant large areas of full-thickness skin into the wound area. SkinDot results in a resilient, stable and scar-free skin graft. SkinDot is therefore also very well suited for the treatment of an amputation stump, since the prosthesis requires a stable skin support or skin bed.

Chronic wounds

For the success of chronic wound treatment, it is crucial to first treat the cause of the chronicity. This can be followed by skin grafting through SkinDot. In the Skindot procedure, basal and subdermal pluripotent stem cells are introduced into the wound with the skin islands. These transplanted stem cells emit special growth and healing stimuli, thereby stimulating wound healing. SkinDot can therefore be used to heal persistent, chronic wounds.


Scars on the face, neck, décolleté, hands and forearms can be stigmatizing and very stressful for the patient. Regardless of the stigmatization, scars can be functionally limiting and, if localized over joint surfaces, can impede movement. The new SkinDot procedure is an innovative surgical procedure that can replace scars with a full-layer skin graft.

Your attending physician is not yet familiar with the new, innovative SkinDot procedure? Please inform him/her about the possibility of treating your skin wound with the new SkinDot procedure. We will be happy to advise you and perform the SkinDot procedure on you (if the indication is suitable). We look forward to your appointment!

Skin Transplantation beyond

Skin Transplantation 2.0

SkinDot GbR - Kerckringstr. 28, 23554 Lübeck